Join US! for BAM @ Noon on Zoom!

This short session is for companies that would like to know more about export services and opportunities from local and state organizations. It is a space to know and learn more about why exporting is a great opportunity for your company.


Brian Castleberry, regional manager for the UK, Africa and the middle East

Stone Slade, Director of Marketing for the Maryland Department of Agriculture

Rebbeca Bellinger, Executive Director for the Center for Global Business, University of Maryland, College Park TBD


BAM! @ Noon on Zoom is hosted every third Friday of the month. The events are free to attend (registration is required) and open to members and non-members.

Monthly topics are designed to educate, mentor, and train our members and participants.

Speakers are MDHCC members and sponsors who possess knowledge and experience on the BAM! topics. We also invite government agencies' representatives, non-profit organizations, and community leaders who can contribute with information and advice for our business community.

Upper sponsorship levels get mentioned at the BAM! events and they have the opportunity to speak at the BAM! Business Showcase as part of their Sponsorship benefits.


  • Rebbeca Bellinger (Executive Director for the Center for Global Business of University of Maryland)

    Rebbeca Bellinger

    Executive Director for the Center for Global Business of University of Maryland

    More Information

  • Brian Castleberry (Regional Manager for the UK, Africa and the middle East at Office of International  Investment & Trade, Maryland Department of Commerce)

    Brian Castleberry

    Regional Manager for the UK, Africa and the middle East at Office of International Investment & Trade, Maryland Department of Commerce

    More Information

  • Stone Slade (Director of Marketing for the Maryland Department of Agriculture at Maryland)

    Stone Slade

    Director of Marketing for the Maryland Department of Agriculture at Maryland

    More Information

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